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2014年第3期 后退

城市空间快速增长的区域生态风险防御—— 国际经验检讨与规划调控初探
Defending Rapid Growing Metropolitans from Regional Ecological Hazards:Review of International Experiences and Reflection on Planning Regulations
作者: 杨东峰 殷成志

摘 要:



Rapid spatial growth of China’s metropolitans results in increasing hazard of regional eco-systems, which means austere challenge to sustainable urbanization in China. The transition of urban planning system is important to focus not only on environmental effect control inside cities, but also on ecological hazard defense of outside regions. However, the current research of traditional disciplines cannot deal with ecological complex of cross-scale and multi-factor between cities and their outside regions. After critical reviewing of international concerned experience, from CHANS perspective, the article proposes a methodological framework that includes building theoretical model, identifying regional ecological hazard, accessing plan’s ecological performance; and that implies a logic connection from urban spatial growth statement, resource-environmental impact, and ecosystem hazard to ecological performance of plan. It will improve the capacity of urban planning system to defense regional ecological hazard in China’s metropolitans.




Spatial Growth; Ecological Hazard; Planning Regulation


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