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2014年第2期 后退

Conservation Planning and Low-carbon Values
作者: 约翰•彭德尔伯里 内文•哈姆扎 亚当•萨尔 著 路宁 李南慧 译

摘 要:

减少碳排放和保护历史建筑及环境是当前极具影响力的价值观体系,而它们之间存在潜在的冲突。在冲突的调和过程中, 地方政府的管理和政策体系会发挥作用,尤其在英国,两种价值观念的相互作用可以通过遗产保护规划和建筑规范来实现。本文通过一系列规划案例,特别是英格兰北部的赫克瑟姆修道院案例, 关注了遗产保护价值观与具有约束力的碳减排议程之间的关系。碳减排目标与遗产价值保护同样具有合理性,我们需要探索如何才能使两者形成良性互动。


The desire to reduce carbon emissions and the desire to sustain historic buildings and environments are two powerful contemporary value systems that potentially conflict. It is through local governance and policy systems that much of the mediation between these values will take place,and in particular,in the UK, through the interaction between the conservation-planning system and building regulations. This paper focuses upon the relation between conservation values and the powerful emergent agenda of carbon-reduction through a number of planning case studies and in particular, a case study of Hexham Abbey in northern England. Accepting that carbon control aims and heritage values both have legitimacy,there is a need to explore how these two forces might positively interact.




Conservation Planning; Urban Carbon Emissions; Low-carbon Values; Planning Control System; Building Regulations


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