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2014年第2期 后退

Modelling Approaches for Retrofitting Energy Systems in Cities: Current Practice and Future Challenges in Newcastle upon Tyne
作者: 卡洛斯•卡尔德隆 玛卡雷娜•罗德里格斯 著 路宁 李铠 译

摘 要:

文章回顾了英国的碳减排议程和当前地方在构建城市能源模型方面的实践与挑战,提出了技术与社会系统相互作用下的模型研究与定量理解中存在的一些缺陷。文章还梳理了对家居行为和能源需求已有的模型方法,以便将研究重点(反弹效应和需求侧管理)以及研究采用的行为模型的基本原理纳入整体研究框架。该模型模拟和量化了技术系统的改造和家居行为之间相互作用中的两个突出部分——反弹效应和需求侧管理。利用这一模型,文章详细阐释了对泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔200 套社会住宅的案例研究,研究结果对于旧城改造的规划决策系统建设具有重要的理论与现实意义。


The paper reviews the UK carbon agenda and current local practices and challenges in urban energy modelling as to highlight the lack of models and quantitative understanding of the interplay between technical and social systems. The paper also reviews existing modelling household practices and energy demand to contextualize the emphasis of our study (i.e. take back effect and demand side management) and the rationale behind our selected approach: activity base model. The model is used to model and quantify two salient aspects of the interaction between retrofitted technical systems and household practices: (1) rebound effect; and (2) demand side management. By applying the model,the paper presents a case study using 200 social households in Newcastle upon Tyne. Finally,we propose a theoretical model and its detailed implementation. The modeling results have important theoretical and practical implications for the development of planning decision support system for urban regeneration.




Urban Regeneration; Urban Energy Consumption; Energy Consumption Model; Rebound Effect; Demand Side Management


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