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2014年第1期 后退

A Study on the Use and Evaluation of Planning Journals in China: Based on the Discussion of Online Interview Results and the Impact Factors
作者: 曹康 朱金

摘 要:

通过2011 年10 月至12 月期间进行的针对三类评价者的问卷访谈,本文对37 本城市规划及规划相关期刊进行了使用及评价分析。主要结论为:第一,研究者的背景会不同程度地影响其期刊使用;第二,对规划同行综合影响最大的是《城市规划学刊》、《城市规划》和《国际城市规划》三本期刊;第三,37 本期刊的既有影响因子与同行评价结果之间不具有相关性,仅就城市规划和城市研究类的10 本期刊而言,其影响因子与同行评价呈较强的正相关性;第四,多个学科期刊介入规划问题有助于学科的交叉和创新发展;最后,规划期刊的建设发展需要在期刊定位、编排规范、运作程序等方面进行优化。


A questionnaire survey was conducted from October 2011 to December 2011 to 3 categories of readerships on the use and evaluation of 37 urban planning and planning related journals. The main conclusions are as followed: firstly, the backgrounds of researchers affect their usage of journals to varying degrees; secondly, Urban Planning Forum, City Planning Review and Urban Planning International are the three most influential journals for planning studies; thirdly, peer assessments of the 37 journals have no correlation with their impact factors, as far as the 10 journals on planning and urban studies are concerned, the peer assessments and impact factors have positive correction; fourthly, journals of the related disciplines that stepped in urban planning do help the overlapping and innovative development of disciplines; finally, the developing of planning journals should be improved on the aspects of journal positioning, compelling standards and operational procedure etc.




Planning Journals; Journal Assessment; Journal Development


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