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2014年第1期 后退

From Asuwei Incident to the Issuance of “Beijing Statute on Living Garbage Management”: A Policy Process Analysis Case from the Policy Networks Perspective
作者: 李东泉 李婧

摘 要:



In a time of social and economic transformation, China‘s traditional top-down policy making method does not fit with the needs of the citizens. In recent years, many large scale infrastructures constructions are forced to stop and NIMBY Incidents frequently occur, which are the reflection of such a tension. Asuwei is the name of a village in Changping County in the city of Beijing, and a garbage disposal site. Since July of 2009, the attempt of Beijing municipal government to build a large scale garbage incineration site aroused strong resistance from the neighborhood, escalated into collective action, and becomes a very well-known NIMBY incident - Asuwei Incident. The final result of this incident is the issuance of“ Beijing Statute on Living Garbage Management”. This paper studies and analyzes this case by the ways of interview and survey of participants and on-site observations. A policy network analytical framework is used to examine the process that led to eventual policy making and reveal the significance of this process to China‘s public administration and policy making.




Policy Networks; Public Participation; Asuwei


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