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2014年第1期 后退

Overview and Thoughts on the Large-scale Regional Development in China
作者: 汪劲柏

摘 要:

当代中国,大型地区开发一直是地区发展的重要内容。建国伊始,在国家主导的计划经济体制下,国家布局大项目是这一时期地区开发的主体性内容。从建国初前苏联援建的156 个大项目,到1960 年代的“三线”战备大项目,再到1970 年代两批成套引进的大项目,都在不同程度上塑造或主导了所在地区的社会经济面貌。改革开放启动以后,国家通过针对性政策推动特定地区开发,成为新的主流方式。这种方式在1980 年代的经济特区中得到试验,在1990 年代的开发区大发展中得到推广。21 世纪以来,随着城镇化战略和土地经济的扩张,地区开发逐渐由产业性开发走向房地资源的商业性开发,国土资源的资本化成为新时期大型地区开发的重要支撑。这在2008 年金融危机后走向了一个高潮和转折。面对土地资源瓶颈和房地价格畸高,国家一方面密集出台大型地区开发战略,另一方面通过非市场的行政威权限制房地产经济,呈现“冰火两重天”的困局。下一阶段的地区开发,需要从依赖政策资源和土地资源走向对市场内生活力的挖掘,建立可持续的地区开发机制。


Contemporary China adopted the state-dominated planned economy from the beginning of the founding of People’s Republic of China. The main content of its early development is national allocated large projects from the founding of 156 large projects aided by former Soviet Union, to“ three lines” large projects in the 1960s and two rounds of imported complete sets of large projects in the 1970s. All these have shaped or dominated local socio-economy in varying degrees. Then in the reform and opening up period, the new manner of local development is that the country issues specific local development policies to absorb and dispose social resources. In this way the Special Economic Zones in the 1980s got the test, then in the 1990s the large-scale development of the economic zones got promotion, and further development happened in the massive waves of new urban area development In the early 21st century. In this period, the main part of local development has moved from industrial issues to real estate economy, which formed the characteristics of the new era. After the financial crisis in 2008, the transition went towards a climax. Facing land resource bottlenecks and extremely high real estate prices, the state on the one hand introduced intensive large-scale regional development strategies, on the other hand restricted real estate market economy through non-market authority. But it is not sustainable in the modern market economy. In the next stage, regional development will continue, but should pay more attentions on agricultural products, natural environment, people‘s needs, etc., and the perfection of the modern market economy system matters more in the long run.




China; Large-scale Regional Development; Overview


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