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2014年第1期 后退

弱网络效应区域城市空间扩展机制—— 陕西三大区域中等城市空间扩展分析
The Spatial Expansion Mechanism of Weak Network Effects Regions: The Spatial Expansion Analysis of the Medium Cities in Three Areas of Shaanxi
作者: 慈寅寅 陈晓键

摘 要:

论文基于2000、2007、2012 年地处陕西不同区域的榆林、渭南、汉中三个城市现状图、Google Earth影像等基础资料,借助Arc Gis10.0 空间分析功能,对三个城市空间扩展特征等方面进行对比分析,并对空间扩展动力差异和特征进行比较研究。结果表明:陕西三大区域中等城市空间扩展主要呈现经济推动力和政府调控力叠加影响为主的特征,特别是受有路径依赖的工业项目投资和基础设施建设拉动作用明显。其城市空间形态及扩展类型与距高层次中心城市距离远近没有直接关系,而与驱动力合力的作用强度有关。


This paper compares the three urban spatial expansion features and analyzes three urban spatial expansion driving forces based on the diagrams in 2000, 2007 and 2012, Google Earth images and other basic materials of Yulin, Weinan and Hanzhong with the aid of ArcGis10.0 spatial analysis function to address the spatial evolution characters and drive forces in weak network effects regions. It demonstrates that the spatial expansion of the medium cities in three areas of Shaanxi takes on the overlap characters of economic driving and government’s adjustion and control. Especially, the pull effect of industrial projects investment and infrastructure is evident. The spatial form and expansion patterns have no direct relationship with the distance to regional central city.




Urban Spatial Expansion; Expansion Strength; Driving Force


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