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2013年第6期 后退

The Development and Innovation of Partnership Policy: British Experience in Urban Governance
作者: 曲凌雁

摘 要:



Based on the British urban governance experience, this paper induces the development process, the organization forms, the law guarantee mechanism of its partnership policy in urban and regional development, summarizes the nature of its development and innovation in urban governance, and gets the conclusion that the importance of British urban governance experience lies in the partnership as a strategy, they have their particular development goals in different stages of partnership initiatives. In order to achieve the specific urban development goals, the central government innovated its urban development policies, and improved its urban and town planning laws and regulations. The development objectives, the policy measures, the funding and law guarantee contribute to the urban development as a whole, which is an integrated systematical practice that deserve us to draw lessons in many aspects for our urban governance and our urban and regional development.




British; Partnership Policy; Development and Innovation;Urban Governance; Urban and Regional Development


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