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2013年第6期 后退

Urban Renovation Through Holistic Creation in France:The Planning Mechanism of ZAC and Its Implementation in Paris
作者: 刘健

摘 要:

20 世纪下半叶,为了顺应城市化进程加速发展和社会经济结构调整的新变化,法国以协议开发区制度作为工具,在包括首都巴黎在内的各大城市,针对衰败的传统街区和老工业区进行了大规模的更新改造,在提升城市机能、改善物质环境、提高生活品质的同时,也有效解决了城市更新改造过程中经常出现的各方利益冲突、城市面貌突变、土地交通失衡等问题,其制度建设对于当今中国城市如火如荼的更新改造实践具有积极的参考价值和借鉴意义。


In order to deal with the changes of accelerated urbanization and socio-economic restructuring in the second half of the 20th century, France, taking the mechanism of Zone d’Aménagement Concerté (Concerted Development Zone) as operational tool carried out a series of large-scale urban renewal projects in its metropolises, including Paris, to regenerate the declining traditional neighborhoods and industrial areas. The practice of urban renewal in Paris proves that the mechanism of Zone d’Aménagement Concerté is effective in not only upgrading the urban functions, ameliorating the human settlements, and promoting the living quality of these declining neighborhoods, but also dealing with the problems of the conflicts among various stakeholders, the mutation of urban landscape, the imbalance between real estate develop-ment and trans-portation con-struction, and so on. In view that these problems are quite popular in the practice of urban renewal in Chinese cities all over the country, the successful ex-perience of the mechanical estab-lishment of Zone d’Aménagement Concerté can be a useful reference for China.




Urban Renovation; Planning Mechanism;Zone d’Aménagement Concerté; France; Paris


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