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2013年第4期 后退

The Application of Urban Environmental and Climatic Information in German Urban Planning and the Inspirations for China
作者: 任超 吴恩融 卢茨· 卡施纳

摘 要:

随着公众关于气候变化与全球变暖的意识逐渐增强,适应气候变化创造宜居的城市环境是当前城市规划师的首要课题。德国早在1970 年代就已开始探索相关城市气候应用研究与实践,并开发了城市环境气候图这一城市气候信息的应用平台。目前德国在该领域处于世界领先地位。本文立足于城市规划和城市气候领域,选取德国城市环境气候信息在城市规划应用中的典型案例作为研究重点,针对德国城市环境气候图的构建和应用展开了详细探讨,并总结了此类气候环境评估方法在应用中存在的优缺点,为我国快速城镇化发展中气候信息评估的应用提供了可借鉴的参照范例。


More and more people have kept concerning on climate change and global warming recently. Urban planner is facing a big challenge to create a livable urban environment for adapting climate change. Germany has carried
out the relevant climatic application study and practice since the 1970s. and now it leads a pioneer position in the field of applying climatic information into urban planning and development. This paper firstly introduces the selected case studies on urban environmental and climatic application of German cities, secondly it explores the key methodology of Urban Climatic Map and its application in urban planning. Furthermore, the advantages and limitations of Urban Climatic Map studies are discussed. This paper provides research experiences, which could be adopted in recent China fast urbanization.




Urban Climatic Map; Applied Urban Climatology; Climatic Spatial Planning Strategy; Urban Planning; Sustainable Development


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