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2013年第4期 后退

Research on American Experience of Controlling Sprawl
作者: 王海卉 宋彦

摘 要:

1990 年代后期以来,美国的学术界、政界对于蔓延问题愈加关注。在联邦、州、地方政府各个层级,实施了立体、多样化的以控制蔓延为目的的政策。其中既有资金激励、规划调控、税收和特殊收费等手段的综合运用,也可按照已建成区、在城市化地区以及农业和乡村地区的划分有针对性地进行调控。在政策框架内,存在较成熟的体系能够对政策的效果、效率、公平性、可行性等进行全方位的预测和评价。中国的土地利用集约化政策,在一定程度上可以与美国控制蔓延的政策相参照,以寻求从价值观到技术方法、从政策内容到政策过程的革新。


From the later 1990s, the academic circle and governments of America have paid close attention to the problems of sprawl. Various policies focused on controlling sprawl were implemented by governments of different levels. The detailed method included comprehensive utilization of financial incentives, planning controlling, taxation, special fee and etc. For the same purpose, urbanized area, urbanizing area, agriculture and rural area were controlled separately. In the whole policy framework, there exists complete system to predict
and evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, equity and feasibility of policies. The intensive land use policies of China could be compared with policies of controlling sprawl in America. The comparison is expected to push the innovation progress which includes values, technical methods, content and procedure of policies.




Sprawl; Policy; Intensification


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