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2013年第3期 后退

The History of the Bicycle Use and the Related Policies and Designs in the Netherlands
作者: 冯建喜 马汀· 戴斯特 扬· 普瑞尔维茨

摘 要:

自行车出行是世界公认的绿色、环保、健康的出行方式。而当下的中国,由于快速机动化,各级城市的自行车出行的比例急剧下降。荷兰是目前世界上发达国家中自行车出行比例最高、最安全的国家。在其历史上,自行车出行也经历了先降后升的过程。研究其自行车出行的演化历史及规划设计对于当下中国的自行车交通具有较强的实践借鉴意义。本文首先将荷兰自行车交通的使用历史划分为:开始使用自行车到高潮阶段、被小汽车出行压缩阶段和有意识规划引导阶; 进而分析了在此过程之中,中央政府和地方政府各自所扮演的角色及实施的政策。在此基础上,以具体的城市为案例,分析了荷兰为了鼓励自行车出行的所进行的各种规划设计。文章的最后部分,提出了对中国自行车使用政策及设计的几点借鉴。


Cycling is acknowledged as a sustainable, green, and healthy means for travelling around the world. However, due to fast motorization, the share of cycling in urban transport in China declines dramatically. As a country with the highest share of bicycle use among various transport modes in developed counties, the Netherlands had an experience that the use of bicycle declined first and increased after the implementations of relevant policies. It therefore has practical reasonsto investigate the history of bicycle use and the related policies and urban designs for encouraging cycling in transport in urban China. Based on summarizing the existing literature, three distinct phrases of bicycle usage are observed: the stage of unintended use, the stage of compressed by motorization and the stage of guided by planning. In the second section, the roles of the central government and local governments in encouraging the use of bicycle as well as the related policies are investigated. It is found that both the central government and local governments contribute substantially to the regain of the bicycle use. The explicit cases which are designed for stimulating cycling according to the related policies are carefully examined in different cities in the Netherlands in the third section. The paper then concludes with some useful insights for the development of the bicycle use in urban China.




Cycling, The Netherlands, Policy, Urban Design


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