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2013年第3期 后退

The Implementary Mechanism of Dutch Land Use Planning
作者: 黄旭 特吉奥·斯皮德

摘 要:

我国许多规划师和学者赞誉荷兰优美的城乡风光以及规划建设所取得的成绩,并且针对荷兰城乡发展作了相当多的研究。这些已有的中文文献往往侧重于从理论层面分析规划体系的运作,多数认为荷兰规划是一个从中央政府到省政府,再到市级地方政府的调控体系。但是考察其土地利用规划的实际开发过程,事实上处于规划体系支配地位的是唯一拥有土地建设许可证批复权的市级地方政府——它以一种“经营城市”的理念,既承担规划的编制,也负责征地和项目实施;而其他利益主体(如上级政府、开发商、农场主)均围绕着市政府的意图不断调整应对策略。本文通过检视荷兰乌得勒支市Leidsche Rijn 规划项目的开发过程,深入探讨了规划实施过程各个利益主体相互配合、相互制约的行动机制;认为荷兰城乡的和谐发展并非是规划作用的直接结果,而是一系列复杂因素和利益主体在市场规律的运作下,在法律体系的保障下,通过反复的协商、交易、合作和妥协达成的。触发这一过程的规划体系在其中发挥的关键作用在于:提供了一个相对透明的,有“操作空间”的平台,使得每个利益主体可以实施其合理的、可操作的行动策略。


Most of Chinese planners and scholars admire the landscape in the Netherlands, and intend to learn from that. The existing Chinese studies on Dutch land use often pay more attention to the theoretical aspects of Dutch planning system, which usually leads to an understanding of one top-down process. But actually, given the real process of planning implementation, the municipality government which has the right of giving permission to actual constructions act both as a ruler, as well as a player in the game which we call land use planning. Municipalities dominate the planning process, and other interest groups like higher level governments, developers and farmers have to adjust their strategies to respond to municipal government actions. This article addresses the implementary mechanism of Dutch land use planning, exploring all actors‘ roles and their strategies in practice. We choose Leidsche Rijn project in Utrecht serves as the case study, consider that the splendid result of Dutch landscaping does not come from planning agency directly, at least not always. It is reduplicative negotiations and trade-offs among all interest groups that have contributed to the beauty of Dutch land use. All these are driven by market mechanism, and guarded by legal justice. In this process, transparent planning procedures generally guarantee the basic legal property rights, so that every actor‘s strategy can be more or less fairly carried out in reality.


荷兰土地利用规划,上级政府,市政府,开发商,农场主,Leidsche Rijn


Dutch Land Use Planning, Higher Level Government, Municipality Government, Developers, Individual Farmer, Leidsche Rijn


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