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2013年第2期 后退

快速机动化趋势下的城镇交通发展对策——评英国1963 年版《城镇交通》兼论对中国的启示
Countermeasures on Urban Transportation Development in the Rapid Motorization: A Review of UK‘ s “Traffic in Towns“ in 1963 and Its Enlightenment to China
作者: 陈宇琳 姜洋

摘 要:

《城镇交通——关于城镇交通的长期问题研究》一书出版于1963 年。当时英国正处于城镇化和机动化的快速发展期。作者科林· 布坎南在书中清晰描绘出洪水猛兽般的机动化进程给英国社会带来的巨大挑战,并通过建立理论框架和对四个本土城镇案例的交通问题实证研究,以及对欧美各国城镇交通发展对策的经验总结,为英国政府在汽车时代实现人与机动车的和谐共存提供思路。本书饱含了英国人在本国快速机动化过程中的困惑与思考,对当前处于相似阶段的中国制定城镇交通发展对策提供了有益的启示。


“Traffic in Towns: A Study of the Long Term Problems of Traffic in Urban Areas” is a book published in 1963, when UK was experiencing her rapid urbanization and motorization. Colin Buchanan, the author of the book, first delineated the grand challenge to the society brought by the rapid motorization, further established a working theory, conducted practical studies
on four selected towns in UK, and drew lessons from current practices in European countries and US, trying to find solutions for the government to achieve harmonious co-existence between motor cars and citizens. The book contains puzzles and thoughts from UK people against their domestic rapid motorization, therefore shedding lights on China for making countermeasures to urban transportation development at a similar stage.




Traffic in towns; Motorization; UK; China


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