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2013年第2期 后退

Urban Form and Carbon Emissions from Urban Transport: Based on the Analysis of Individual Behavior
作者: 马静 刘志林 柴彦威

摘 要:

气候变化是21世纪的重要议题,低碳城市的建设已成为学术界研究的重大科学命题。本文着重从国际层面对低碳城市、城市交通碳排放、城市形态以及居民出行行为等方面进行相关的理论综述;并利用2007 年北京市居民活动日志调查获取的第一手数据,基于微观个体行为的视角对城市形态与交通碳排放的关系进行实证研究,为构建低碳城市提供理论依据和政策建议。


Climate change is an important issue in the 21st century. How to construct low-carbon cities has become the most important scientific topic among academics. Aiming to understand the current situation of low-carbon cities better, this paper firstly sums up the relative theories and research from the international level in several aspects, including the concept of low-carbon cities, the carbon emissions from urban transport, and the urban form and individual travel behavior. Then, using the daily activity survey data of Beijing in 2007, this paper examines the relationship between urban form and carbon emissions from urban transport based on the analysis of individual travel behavior. Finally, the theoretic foundation and policy suggestions are put forward for the construction of low-carbon cities.




Urban Form; Carbon Emissions from Urban Transport; Individual Behavior; Beijing


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