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2013年第1期 后退

Reflections on the New Urbanism Movement in the U.S.
作者: 宋彦 张纯

摘 要:

美国从20 世纪80 年代中期开始推行新城市主
义规划运动,旨在通过塑造良好的城市物质和社会空间,达到抑制城市蔓延、促进社会多元化的目标。本文对新城市主义政策在美国实施近30 年以来是否已经达到其目标进行反思与评估,发现新城市主义社区虽然改善了社区内部物质空间的设计,但并不能彻底促成城市宏观空间结构的根本性改变和城市社会多元群体的真正融合;新城市主义设计促使房价增长更形成了不同社会阶层的空间分隔。这说明,即使社区物质空间按照新城市主义原则来设计,也未必能实现其所倡导的社会融合与和谐的目标。文章最后对新城市主义经验对中国的借鉴意义进行了探讨。


The New Urbanism movement in the U.S. was launched in the 1980s, with the aims to combat with urban sprawl, promote social diversity, and improve neighborhood interaction through traditional urban design elements such as street connectivity, land use mixture, high density, multiple transportation choices and affordable housing. We evaluate the New Urbanism by testing if the movement has brought changes it promised to the urban landscape by summarizing findings from a variety of research projects, and found that there is a lack of interaction between physically good urban form and socially good form: neighborhoods with traditional urban features are not necessarily socially diverse or affordable.




New Urbanism; Community Planning; Anti-sprawl; Social Diversity


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