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2013年第1期 后退

Integration of Water and Land: The Ecological Concept of Land Reclamation in the Netherlands
作者: 孙晖 张路诗 梁江

摘 要:

追溯人类填海造地的历史,最早应始于13 世纪的荷兰,其国土面积的1/5 是由填海所获得。然而在长期的填海实践之后,造地活动所产生的生态与景观危机受到荷兰人民的广泛关注。面对此危机,荷兰政府提出要将水与土地进行更有效的整合。本文分析了荷兰基于水土整合的政策转向,介绍了水土整合的尝试措施,并从中总结出先进的成功经验,以期对我国当前填海造地的发展有所借鉴。


The beginning of human land reclamation can be traced to 13th century in the Netherlands, with one-fifth of its land obtained by reclamation. After the practice of reclamation for a long time, the land alteration has generated wide concern among the Dutch people over the ecological and landscape crises. To face this challenge, the Dutch government proposes to integrate water and land more effectively. This paper analyzes the policy shift in the Netherlands based on integrating water and land, and introduces its related efforts and measures, and then summarizes the successful experiences. The paper is expected to provide references for the
current development of land reclamation in China.




The Netherlands; Land Reclamation; Integration of Water and Land


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