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2013年第1期 后退

An Overview of Researches on Street Form in the West with Micro Measure
作者: 韩冬青 方榕

摘 要:

本文通过对20 世纪下半叶以来微观视角下西方街道形态相关文献的回顾,试图较为整体地阐述相关理论研究的框架和议题。根据研究的目标取向和研究策略,本文将相关文献归纳为成因机制、认知和评价、呈现与诠释,以及理想准则四类,并对其相应的研究方法进行比较和辨析,为我国城市物质空间形态研究拓展思路,提供理论参考。


After an overview of studies on street form in the west with micro measure since the second half of the 20th century, contributions and the theoretical framework of related researches are interpreted in a comprehensive way. According to their research intentions and strategies, related literatures are classified into four groups, including motivation, perception and evaluation, cognition and description, normative and prescription. Different points of views and research methods are compared and analyzed. It is believed that the building up of research framework on street form is significant for developing the theories of urban morphology in China.




Street; Physical Form with Micro Measure; Research Methods; Motivation; Perception and Evaluation; Cognition and Description; Normative and Prescription


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