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2013年第1期 后退

Review and Outlook of the Research on the Urban Population Carrying Capacity
作者: 张燕 张喜玲

摘 要:



This literature review mainly focuses on the basic concept, impact factors, calculation methods, academic debates and future research outlook of the urban population carrying capacity. The results shows that, based on the idea of sustainable development, with the rapid progress of urbanization, the cross-disciplinary and comprehensive analysis on the urban population carrying capacity would be more and more emphasized, namely, from single element study in the past gradually shifting to the multiangle system research. Although existing research has made certain progress, the basic analysis theory and methodology system of the urban population carrying capacity is still in its infancy, and there is a long way to go in depth research, especially, more research on the practical issues should be focused.




Urbanization; Urban Population Carrying Capacity; Research Progress


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